Looking for Help?

Hi, I am Alvin (2.0) (AL CloudCare Virtual Information Network), your ChatGPT powered Artificial Intelligence (AI) support assistant who can answer your questions about using the software! I just joined AL CloudCare and I am eager to help you get your answers so you can get your work done as quickly and easily as possible!

How can I help you get done faster and easier?

  • Help Available 24/7/365 
    You can ask me questions about how to use the software at any time day or night!  You don't have to spend any time in picking up the phone and calling support!  I am with you at 3 AM in the morning, if needed, to give you instant answers!
  • Immediate Response
    I will never be 'busy on another call', so you have instant access to help at any time of day or night!
  • Consistent Answers
    When you ask your question, I have access to our entire knowledge base to search for the right answers for your questions!
  • Privacy
    Though I am powered by ChatGPT, whatever questions you ask is not in the public domain, so your privacy is safe! 
  • As Always, Live Phone help is also there!
    If you need live support, our current support options are always available for you, you lose nothing that you currently have!

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