With Senior Care, the risk of falls, elopement and other adverse incidents may happen despite your best efforts and your careful precautions in place. When such incidents occur, what you do following that, is important in proving your commitment to providing world class care. It is also equally important that you document and track these steps to generate evidence of such care, in case questions arise later.
We can help you in this respect with our completely customizable Assisted Living Risk Management and Task Management modules. With task management, you are able to use our ‘out of the box’ tasks, as well as define your own tasks, assessments and care plans with your own questions and available answers. Tasks are the components that you can then use to further define care plans, assessments and risk management protocols. Once you define or configure these low level tasks, you are now able to use them as part of the other protocols, where you can set certain tasks to be triggered or scheduled, based on the resident’s or care givers answers to certain questions.
For risk management in particular, you can configure your own protocols that will activate several tasks in sequence. For example, in the event you activate a risk management protocol for Fall, then the protocol can be configured to schedule an Incident Report, Fall Risk Assessment, Mini Mental status exam, and so on, each of these on a preset sequence. This now enables your care givers to execute these tasks on those specific days, and it gives you the ability to track if the tasks were completed.
This process, built into the ACC Assisted Living Software, helps you “dot your i’s and cross your t’s” so you can document that you followed your set process in dealing with an unfortunate event.
- Naveen Venkatachalam, posted 03/17/2021